The Louis Vuitton Mahina bag is really a lush, feminine bag which exudes class and understated sexiness. The name "Mahina" actually originally heralds from Polynesian culture, and may be the name of a lunar deity which blesses and keeps travelers safe. It's a classic supple, calf leather oversized bag using the traditional flower and LV monogram design, but perforated into the leather for a appear of understatement. This bag is among the most popular new bags from Louis Vuitton, and has been spotted on the arm of almost every single A-list celebrity. Cameron Diaz, Madonna, Miley Cyprus, Rihanna and Sarah Jessica Parker are only several celebrities with their very own mahina bag. We're pleased to provide our own classic replica Louis Vuitton Mahina Bag to compliment your Hollywood style.
Our replica Louis Vuitton Mahina bag is exactly exactly the same as the original-and is actually a enormous leather hobo style bag, with the side buckles adjusting the size in the bag very freely. A hook closure securely closes the bag, and also the internal pockets enable you to put all of your lip glosses, keys and little items away securely. This bag also has a D ring, excellent for attaching a pouch or keychain (numerous of which we have offered at Precise Bags).
Our replica Louis Vuitton Mahina bag matches the original in every way except for in cost. Whilst the original Mahina handbag retails for $3,700, a king's ransom, to put it kindly, our replica Mahina line will expense you only among $114-$315- a bargain by any comparison. This bag is the ultimate bag to utilize day to day, or for a unique occasion. It could be dressed up, down, or perhaps paired with a slightly a lot more formal appear. It is 1 of our most versatile bags and comes in many different wealthy colors for you to select from, like: chocolate, brown, beige, black, grey, silver and gold. Really, it really is the ultimate bag.